by Virtual Assistant
(June 19, 2012)
Over the past two days, I and Francis had a detailed discussion about the morality of outsourcing.
Is it ethically fair to outsource your work to other countries?
How would you justify it morally?
The discussion went to an intense mode where we both asked each other totally personal questions (although there was nothing personal and the discussion was meant only for the sake of discussion).
We also discussed the basic realities and personal experiences of our working and living conditions, how much money a freelancer wants to earn as a virtual assistant, what or how much he can buy with this money, or if there’s any risk in hiring someone from a foreign country.
We also discussed about the payment process in detail and talked about the legality of this process, how freelancing companies like Odesk make sure that they transfer funds in a legal way and how they ensure that these processes are following the international money laundering laws?
As a virtual assistant (Provider), honestly speaking I have no regrets working as a freelancer.
In fact, to some extent I am helping the economy of my country. But when I think as an Employer, there are several things that have to be discussed before you outsource your work.
Although I tried to convey my point of view in the best possible way, quoted a lot of personal and general examples and think that I have succeeded in many arguments, still there is always some confusion left in our mind regarding the morality of the outsourcing.
So I think it would be best to have a general discussion regarding this subject and people from all over the world can contribute their point of view and let us know:
How do you think about this sensitive topic?
So, please jump into the discussion and leave a comment.
Comments for Talking About The Morality Of Outsourcing
Jun 19, 2012 | It is a really touchy subject Talking about if outsourcing is right or wrong is difficult anyways. I don’t think there are two people with the exact same point of view about this topic. But in the end, isn’t it the decision between two grown, individual people, the employer and the employee? I always try my best to make the cooperation with a virtual assistant be as much of a win win situation as possible. Anything beyond that feels like it is a little too much to ask, if you want my personal opinon. |
Jun 28, 2012 | thoughts Actually I haven’t given too many thoughts about the MORALTY of outsourcing. 😛 I was sure, that the freelancers wouldn’t do this work, if it wouldn’t be worth it and better paid than other jobs. After all this is a free market. I’ve been traveling a lot and went to Bali once. The money exchange rate is 1 Euro = 11.000 Rupiah. For 11.000 Rupiah I was able to go to a good restaurant and buy myself a dinner with dessert and drinks. In Germany you most of the times don’t even get a lousy scoop of icecream for 1 Euro! But anyway I find it very interesting what you as a freelancer think about all this. I hope to hear more! =) |
Jun 28, 2012 | I have a different point of view I think every business has its own Pros and Cons and it’s up to you how to take it. For example you have a shop near the corner of your home but you do not buy any vegetables from this shop. Instead you prefer to buy it from another shop that fairly has a long distance than this shop because there you find some fresh vegetables at more comparative rates. As you said that you went to Bali for travelling. Is it morally correct that you spend a lot of money on your travelling especially when you are spending this money out of your country? I mean there would be many places within Germany that you could have consider traveling. I think it’s always fair wherever you go for travelling. After all its your money and you have all the rights to spend your money as per your will. In my opinion it’s your right to keep your benefits at top of the priority unless it’s not illegal. Nevertheless, Great discussion to argue! I am loving it 🙂 |
Jun 28, 2012 | These Boots Are Made For Walkin’ I went to NewZealand for a year and kinda stopped at Bali on the way back. =) That now seems like a million years in the past and my point of view has changed a lot since then. Only recently we had a popular vote in my City wether or not our airport needs a third runway. 55% of the people said it doesn’t and so it’s not gonna be built. Instead the City will put the money in the extention of the citys public transport system. I’m grateful for the good public transport system we have in Germany. I will use it after my university graduation to do a morally correct 2-3month travel all over Germany! 😉 I’m so looking forward to that! There’s much in my own country I haven’t seen yet. Actually I think it doesn’t matter whether I spend my money in Germany, Bali or another country. People can need it everywhere. But I do think it matters how we get to all these places on earth we so love to see… If I’d hat the time I’d just walk everywhere. 😛 |
Jun 28, 2012 | A global world – It’s what we make out of it that counts 🙂 Nice discussion, I’m loving it too 🙂 I find it sometimes even hypocritical if someone wants to tell me where to spend my own money. Especially under the argument of morals. If what I’m doing is unethical or immoral, I want to know about this. This is a free blog, and if a freelancer from anywhere wanted to join the discussion and tell me “Outsourcing is frigging bad!” – then he is free to do so! As I see it, I’m building opportunities for two grown up people: my virtual assistant and me. He makes some money to support his studies. More importantly, he grabs the opportunity to learn tons of stuff from me. And I profit from his hard work to get my projects (this website, other stuff) running as smoothly and beautifully as possible. We agreed on the price. What could be wrong about this? |
Jul 22, 2012 | win-win I think there’s nothing wrong with outsourcing. US is the top outsourcing country all over the world and they are really getting a lot of revenue because of the outsourced people. But let’s face it, it’s a win-win situation. Contractors like us really get a very competitive rate compared to what is being offered in our locality. It also creates a positive connection and long term relationship between/among the parties involved. |
Jul 28, 2012 | Outsourcing – what is it all about Outsourcing in General has both Pros and Cons. In the view of an employer, it is a cost effective mechanism to get the things done from experts at a competitive advantage, however it is also prudent to pass sensitive information to the hands of the unknown. Outsourcing can be argued as a cause for unemployment in an economy, by hiring people from foreign countries effects economy in a negative way and strips hundreds to thousands of domestic jobs, especially the skilled and semi-skilled workers. Freelancing, therefore, comes into play, being a form of outsourcing, it creats employment to those that are unemployed on the other hand. Any skilled or unskilled can seek for jobs based on their criteria at freelancing still being very competitive. Due to the development of technology, the world is shrinking day by day leaving less time with more and more work. A physical workplace is considered a burden for an organization when productivity is concerned over the expenditure. Employers are more towards result orientation rather than task based. Therefore, anything that makes the job quicker, easier and cheaper will be more preferrable. The modern research says that traditional jobs are moving towards outsourcing to have a niche market. The first to be on outsourcing being US, now the growth is not only in the USA but also in Europe and Latin America. In the USA hot spots include Hawaii, North Carolina and Tennessee and also rural parts of the USA also experienced a boom. Skilled professionals like manufacturing designers (+241%), architects (+198%) and family attorneys (+179%) are joining the online work community faster than ever with triple-digit increases compared to Q2 last year. Engineering is another job category defying the conventional market with skills like Chemical Engineering (+182%), Electrical Engineering (+126%) and Civil Engineering (+100%) increasing exponentially year over year. This is extracted from a recent newspaper. Therefore, there seemed nothing in the grounds of ethics as Francis highlighted that when both the client and the contractor agree on a contract based on positive terms, both gets rewarded. |
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