by Francis
(January 06, 2013)
My job search has come to an end. Now, it’s time to re-organize myself with my Virtual Assistant. Before, I had a few hours a day to get projects organized with my VA. Now, time is more than scarce.
But that isn’t really a problem. Since one of the biggest factors of the success of a website is time, meaning that a site needs to mature to be successful, it’s good that I can’t give my VA tons of input every day.
To be honest, he has more than enough on his plate to work through the to-do list I’m leaving him every weekend.
But it has helped that he has changed from daily updates to 3 updates a week. Also, his work updates include screenshots, links and all sort of information that makes it easier for me to follow up faster.
Also check out this link about when I set up the communication with a team member.
The most important task now, for both me and my VA, is to prioritize. This way, we will get more done than if we were working on thousand projects at the same time, without finishing one for good.
Comments for Focusing on the most pressing projects together with my Virtual Assistant
Sep 11, 2014 | Reap what you Sow.. by: JomvieAs your website matures—time is of the essence. And I think that’s a good feedback because it only means that it is growing and that you have to keep up with your website’s needs.And the good thing is you have a team of VAs to help you around.. |
We Want You to Learn From Our Experiences of Cooperating With A VA
by Francis
(January 18, 2013)
From the past, all I did with my VA was to get my work done. Now, I want to change my focus.
In order for you to learn as much as possible, I’m always asking my virtual assistant to put up a sort of mini manual from each step we have learned.
Look out for those free downloads. All we ask you for it is a short vote of confidence.
Whenever my virtual assistant learns something, he will put the things learned together in a mini manual. You can really do it yourself or you can simply send it to your virtual assistant.
After he will have reviewed the manual, he will have acquired the same skills as my virtual assistant has.
I hope this is a great deal.
With My Virtual Assistant I Finally Got the Projects Done With the Detail I Would Like To
by Francis
(January 21, 2013)

When I returned from work, my VA has already worked for 5 hours. He has completed a few projects of mine on both of my websites with a lot of attention to detail.
When I remember the times when I worked on my websites alone without a virtual assistant, I was not as thorough as my assistant.
Not even by far.
That’s the cool thing about working with my VA. He implements my ideas and instructions not only to the letter but with creative attention to detail.
Sometimes, he implements ideas I wouldn’t even have had without me asking. That’s extremely helpful.
A lot of little details that you would only discover when they were not taken care of are laid off very well on my websites.
Great stuff! That’s what I love to see when I came back after a long day of work.
Speeding Up the Communication with My Virtual Assistant by Using More Informative Work Updates
by Francis
(January 22, 2013)

I’m happy to have started my new job. As expected, it takes a lot of time from me. Luckily, my virtual assistant and I have prepared extensively for the situation.
Now, it’s time for the hardcore test.
I work much more than the classical 9 to 5. If I’m still successful in keeping two online businesses running then great!
If I give up on both websites, please come over to my house and kick me in the butt.
Just kidding!
If I cannot keep up, then as a full time employee, this would prove that we have nothing to do with a virtual assistant.
Let’s hope that it doesn’t come to that.
I have a long discussion today with my virtual assistant about how to improve the speed of his work updates. I’ve asked him to invest much more time in updating me about his work.
The more clearly he can illustrate and present his progress, the faster I can react and give him input.
Each saved minute in my end helps.
In other words, even if my virtual assistant will need more than an hour to formulate a well-presented work update; it might be worth it if I have only 10 minutes a day to spare.
Do you get this principle?
If your time is worth a lot of money it makes sense to invest that money in working time from your virtual assistant even if he’s only updating you about his progress.
I’ll keep you informed how this works for me.
Upcoming Interview with Successful Online Business Owner
by Francis
(January 27, 2013)
Ever wanted to meet someone that lives the online biz lifestyle – with great success? Even while working on a day job at the same time…?
Then now is the chance to secure yourself a seat in the front row!
A new series of Question and Answers Interviews, called “Meet an SBIer” is starting in 2013.
On January 31, 6 pm ET you’ll be able to see Carl Trent, owner of, live on YouTube!
He’ll be talking from experience about:
- Targeting your audience with the right “voice”
- Monetization of your online business
- Keyword Research for successful web pages
Become part of this interview and ask your questions beforehand on Sitesell’s Facebook page.
Stay tuned to this Facebook page to know about the exact location where the interview will be released: on the day of the event, the exclusive interview will be posted there!
In the meantime, please also enjoy Jill, who also turned her passion into a way to leave the day job rat-race:
My Virtual Assistant Helped Me Resolve Traffic Loss Problems with Penguin
by Francis
(January 29, 2013)

If you own a website and follow the actual trends with Google algorithms then you will know about the Penguin update.
In principle, the problem was that on my other site, I lost some traffic because I involved some less than optimal link-building techniques.
Fortunately, I could retrace whatever I did at that time and asked my virtual assistant to help me sort that out.
Probably many webmasters have the same problem. Some link-building techniques were more popular than others. But after Penguin, some of those techniques are punished with traffic loss.
What did my virtual assistant do?
He helped me locate where I used a certain technique too much and helped me reverse the process. Hopefully the next time a Google algorithm update comes along, my other website will regain some of its lost traffic.
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