audio dictation
Reader Interactions
How To Best Use Voicemail Transcription
If you hire an assistant to help you with voicemail transcription, always remember that there is a human being on the other end. Make it as easy as possible for him to transcribe your dictation and in return you get the best results.
Say goodbye to writer’s block!

The main advantage of voice transcription is that you free your mind by talking easily. If you are writing, you may experience writer’s block and an empty page before you might look intimidating.
But you can always talk. Can’t you?
Imagine talking to a friend, which is the best way to create articles out of speech by voicemail transcription. If you need to create materials which contain both written elements and pictures or graphics, then you probably will prefer using good screen recording software.
9 Tips for effective transcription
- When you record your message, try to talk slowly
- Aim for half of the speed that you normally are talking with
- Try to take your time and think of each sentence
- When talking, and especially when you are recording a dictation, you tend to make longer sentences. In writing they are more difficult to read so break it down
- Try to eliminate exterior noise
- Use a quality headset
- Review your recording after you have finished it. Is it audible?
- Check for missing pieces of your recording before sending it to your virtual transcription assistant
- You will save some time reviewing your dictation before sending it to your virtual assistant
This way, you eliminate possible emails back and forth if you need to try to clear up any uncertainties.
The exact working style when you hire someone for voicemail transcription still depends on you.
Find your optimal talking speed for transcription
Don’t forget the final proof-read
A great way to proofread your transcript without losing focus is to read it out loud. Always make sure to proofread your transcripts. Sometimes the written word may look silly or too informal, for example in a letter, an email or an article which you have transcribed. You can ask your assistant to proofread your transcript for you and propose editions and corrections.
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