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My Experiences As A Chemist On My Biotech Job Search
Although my expertise is chemistry, I completed my PhD in a chair of biotechnology. Working in a biotech lab was natural to me.
So, I assumed it would not be a problem to find a good position in my biotech job search.
I was wrong.
Working in a Biotech Lab is not enough…
As part of my job search for positions in the area of pharma, I contacted the HR employee by phone before even sending my applications. This is one lesson I have learned the hard way, after many applications that I simply wrote and sent were rejected.
My experience with biochemical working methods worked in my favor. However, there was one key skill that all HR people wanted to hear from me before considering me for the positions…
I asked my pharmacist about GLP Knowledge…
There was a choice between learning this stuff in an
- in-house seminar (about 1000$ for the course)
- or an online course (300 bucks)
My pharmacist gave me this advice…
Apparently, any knowledge of GLP that you can certify will help you greatly with your job search in biochemistry. In doubt, start with the cheaper solution and see how far that gets you.
Apparently, without a formal knowledge of GLP and GMP (good manufacturing practices), you are frowned upon as a unprecise, splashing around alchemist…!
Funny side note:
It applies the other way round, too. When I talked with people in the area of automotives and told them I was a chemist, their first association was one of a chemist holding a green Erlenmeyer flask with an explosive potion…
Even if I know my fair share about material sciences…
Free GLP course to help you with your biotech job search

For a good job application, it’s best for you to add as many pieces of evidence for your skills as possible. Even if you only have a free certification of a skill, that’s better than nothing.
And, no, lying in your application is not a good idea.
Here is a GLP training course I found online that teaches you the basics for free. It can’t hurt in your portfolio.
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