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Working With A Sitesell Virtual Assistant On Your SBI! Website
I’m using my own SiteSell Virtual Assistant to help me run my websites.
- He’s hired externally and trained by me. That makes him much more affordable!
- He helps out with my websites full time; it’s like doubling my efforts!
Here’s how you can do this, too!
Disclaimer: This article reports my personal experience with virtual assistants outside of the official SiteSell Program and is in no way endorsed by SiteSell. Use at your own risk.
FAQ: Often asked questions
SBI! Tasks your Assistant can do for you
All these tasks come from personal experience.
Creating Content
Brainstorming Keywords
Sometimes, you have an idea for a quick blog post or article, but no idea where to put it in your site blueprint. Have your SiteSell Virtual Assistant work out the keyword blueprint for you (work on it together). Then he can insert newly brainstormed keywords from vertical or horizontal keyword searches.
Have him research Adwords information for the keyworth of your article to set up the best monetization avenues for you.
Keyword optimizing pages
Using the AnalyzeIt! tool, your VA can help you optimize your pages for the search engines (SEO your pages). You simply review the pages when they are prepared to make sure they still have your unique “voice” in them.
Then, another profitable content page goes live!
Content Research with SearchIt!
The SearchIt! tool is very under-used. If you really invest the time, you can research some great stuff for your SBI!-pages.
One example are quotes. My SiteSell Virtual Assistant has researched many quotes and placed them on my pages.
Researching Pictures – Never worry about illustrations any more
Either on free sources like Flickr or stock photo banks like Fotolia. As taught by SBI!, a SiteSell Virtual Assistant also optimizes all pictures for size and keywords and uploads them into Site Central.
He also takes care of placing the illustrations into your webpages.
Format Articles in HTML and in Site Central
Simply write down your article or Keyword Focussed Content Page (KFCP) in Word.
- Your assistant can change the format into HTML.
(This useful site can help your assistant to do that!)
Then, he either uploads it to your server using the UYOH function. - Or, he simply formats the KFCP in Site Central for you.
Audio transcription for fast content creation
You can read more about transcribing your voice recording into fast web-content here.
Generating Traffic and Analysis
Help with Link Building
One of the most dreadful tasks of a web owner: building links.
- You cannot build too many or automate the process or you’ll get whacked by Google
- You don’t have the time to do it yourself
- You need someone to build your links in a way that is consistent with what SBI! teaches us.
The solution:
Give your assistant the ebook Make Your Links Work found in your SBI! resources! It provides the perfect training for him.
Examples for the occasional high quality blog comment link:
Your VA can research recent high traffic and high quality blog posts, for example with Google Alerts, and propose the best posts to you. You record your answer, he transcribes it and you are done!
It works similar with link opportunities from Yahoo Answers:
The VA find a good question
- He sends you the link
- You share your thoughts for the answer in an audio recording (less than 5 min of work)
- He submits the answer
- Optional: he follows up to increase his changes of getting “best answer”.
I got a ton of traffic from Yahoo Answers to one of my other websites this way.
Managing Social Media
Tasks like submitting your best new content pages to social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon, Digg and Diigo can easily be outsourced to your assistant. One task less to worry about.
Google Analytics assistant
Make your assistant a co-user on your google analytics account. Let him help you with
- Split Test Experiments,
- Analyzing traffic data
- Optimize conversions
Preselling your Visitors
Managing your MOM newsletters for you
Chances are, that you don’t follow up with your MOM newsletters as regularly as you should. Send your SBI! assistant a voice recording for your newsletter, and he can set up everything.
- He inserts relevant links from your website.
- He adds a few links to new guest submissions.
- He can research a video from YouTube and insert it into your newsletter.
- He adds illustrations and cleans up the look and feel of your newsletter.
Setting Up Emails for your email marketing funnel with Aweber
Just record the email via voicemail, get it transcribed and quickly grow a useful and profitable email funnel. This task alone is so important, that you can read more about an email marketing assistant here.
Monetization of your Website
Monetization with Adsense
Give your assistant user access to your Adsense account. Let him
- Set up your ads
- Monitor Click Through Rate (CTR)
- Manually split test CTR on your pages weekly
- Optimize Ad layout and position for maximum profit
Monetization with Affiliate Links
Give your VA access to your affiliate venues. He can
- Research affiliate products that go well with your content
- Connect with more affiliate merchants
- Insert the best products into your website or newsletters with HTML.
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Administration tasks that would eat up your time
Managing other contractors
Working with a team of virtual assistants can be stressful and will take time if you want to do it right. Getting a hiring manager to take care of this for you will boost your team’s productivity.
What Do I Delegate To My VA?
Almost everything except content creation.
You must coach your SiteSell Virtual Assistant through every step of the way.
Use SBI’s tools to teach him how to run an online business for you.
The first step:
Have him read every bit of the Action Guide. Twice!
Free Teaching materials for your assistant
Always make sure your SiteSell Virtual Assistant has read and understood
- Make Your Links Work!
- and this free ebook
before working on your site(s).
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