by Francis
(December 20, 2012)
A few friends of mine are entrepreneurs. They know how websites are supposed to be built and also know a lot about marketing. I’m lucky to have their feedback regarding the layout, design and look and feel of the Ideal-helper website.
Personally, I’m most proud about the contents I am writing here. The written words you can read here are based on my personal experiences of working with virtual assistants from all around the world. In my opinion, the written content is the most useful stuff you can get from this website.
On one hand, it’s impossible for me to ignore the tons of feedback my entrepreneur friends give to me.
Their main concern?
How the layout of my website might scare off new visitors.
I like to believe that someone who is really interested in the topic will read past as an optimal design.
But on the other hand, why lose potential readers and friends?
Why not go the extra mile to reach out to an even larger audience?
That’s why there’s also some intensive testing, working and fine tuning going on behind the lines – all for the optical pleasure.
Is this necessary?
I believe so.
Is it the highest priority?
I don’t believe so.
My virtual assistant and I would put an extra hours to make sure that you will receive fresh and relevant content on an ongoing basis.
The design optimizations will take place over time.
But as long as I can profit from the feedback of my friends, I’ll try to do so.
So please don’t be surprised if you see some optical changes on the next few days (or weeks…).
I promise you all the information will stay here. I won’t take down any of my information.
I‘ll also try to be as transparent as I can be about the whole process. Perhaps, there’s a lesson to be learned here.
And to be honest, I believe that what you can learn here from me is rather unique on the web.
Since I’m a totally normal guy who’s working together with virtual assistants without even having a notable income – so I haven’t found much resources about this when I started out outsourcing.
That’s why I believe the information you can read here still is useful.
But I will make ends meet so that the information is not only useful and present it into a very appetizing matter.
Stay tuned.
Comments for Working on the Design of the Ideal-helper Website
Aug 12, 2014 | Content is better than the layout by: JomvieFor me, yes a good layout is only a plus point as a random reader. What is more important for me is the content in the page itself. Because layout doesn’t have to do with my research.What’s worst is, if the layout is not so good and the content is not so good..then that’s the worst thing the owner could ever have in this business. By the way, there’s nothing wrong with the layout 😀 |
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