by Virtual Assistant
(June 23,2012.)

Well, virtual assistants are also human and we can also make mistakes just like other people do.
Today I did a little mistake. At this point of discussion I can say that was a little mistake, but at the time I committed it, it was a blunder.
My employer asked me to create a favicon for his new website. Apparently it was a very simple job. I just converted one of the stock photos into a favicon by using an online service. There are many websites offering this tool and you can find it easily by searching it on Google.
Coming back to my mistake.
After converting the favicon online, I simply uploaded the favicon to the Sitesell’s pre-loaded “Fav it!” module.
As soon as the icon was uploaded, I realized that I have uploaded this favicon to my employer’s other website which has a totally different theme as compare to this website.
So first step what I did to rectify my mistake is that I quickly snipped that favicon by using a screen capturing tool and then I told this matter to my employer straight away without wasting another second.
And you know what I got in reply?
“No worries regarding the favicon”
These were the first couple of words from my employer which brought me a sigh of relief.
As I am working with him for a long period and I know him very well. I know that he never loses his temper even though I made a big mistake. So I think that was the key I told him about my mistake without any second thought. I knew that he would definitely come up with the solution of my mistake instead of scolding and shouting over me which he never did.
In my opinion it was our level of understanding which caused the prompt resolution of this issue. If I do not have a trust over him, it was quite possible that I might have not told him the case.
So here I have a big question to all Virtual assistants:
Do we have a right to make a mistake sometimes or should we consider ourselves a “Robot” who never makes any mistake?
Even if you are an employer I would love to hear that how do you react when your virtual assistant does something wrong?
Please post in comments.
Jun 24, 2012 | The FavIcon looks fine now, so all is good! by: FrancisThanks for posting from your perspective as a VA! I wouldn’t have known that making this mistake would make you worry so much.Of course, I need your excellence in the work you do. It’s what makes a virtual assistant an asset for his employer.But let’s keep being humans, both of us. And we both make mistakes – you know I do. What we make out of these mistakes, in this case a learning experience, is what counts. Especially making a screen of the old favicons before they could have been lost was smart from your site. |
Jun 11, 2014 | Note to self by: JohnI can relate how you feel. But, mistakes serve as a lesson for you to improve. And that’s also my starting point where I can learn my lessons and just keep on honing until it gets better. Sometimes, you can’t avoid that it’s confusing. |