As the founder of two small businesses and from my personal experience as a college student, my main advices about how to work online are:
- Eliminate distractions
- Try to stay as far away from time-wasters like Facebook and the like
- Work as much as you can offline. You don’t need the internet as much as you think you are doing. Most of your productive work can actually be done offline.
- Use a program to cut you off the internet if you really can’t hold yourself back
- Have a tightly organize to-do list and work at one item at a time
- When you take breaks, don’t take them at the computer. Quickly procrastinating for half an hour with your favorite forum, newspaper or social networking site isn’t a break. That just plainly procrastinating.
- If you do want to take a break, the most effective way is to step away from your computer, take a walk or do something else in your apartment.
Bottom line:
The best way to work online is to be conscious when to stop working online.
The best tips about How to work online effectively – From my VA’s perspective

I asked my virtual assistant, who knows how to stay focused and productive way more than I do, for his best ideas about how to work online:
- Don’t work for long and continuous periods. Give a short interval in between. This can really increase your productivity.
- Take a break for 30 minutes. When I say break I mean “No Computer even in front of your Eyes”
- Pre-plan your work strategies and timings. Draw a blueprint of your whole upcoming day and divide tasks according to their priority and your concentration level.
- Do not work on repetitive tasks continuously. If you have a fairly long, boring and tedious task then take breaks and do some other tasks in between.
- Take proper rest and spent some time on leisure activities or sports, it will refresh your mind.
- Watch your favorite TV program in the break, even if you are very much occupied with some important tasks, take a break for your favorite show.
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