by Francis
(May 3rd, 2014)
What’s easier: typing of talking?
For some time, I have not been able to record audio recording for transcription. Luckily, my transcription assistant from the Philippines is still up and available for doing these tasks.
If you find an assistant for transcription, make sure to keep communicating with your assistant so that you are able to submit files for transcription whenever it fits your schedule.
In my opinion, transcription is the most affordable and, at the same time, most effective investment in outsourcing. All other tasks, worst case scenario, if you don’t have the funds you can do them yourself.
Of course, you can also write yourself. But for me personally, writing and overcoming writing block are the hardest tasks of all. It is much easier to find myself in a talkative mood where I’m able to share my thoughts freely than finding myself in a productive writing mood.
One page I have been holding off to write forever, for example, was my introduction page for the BlockBuilder2 conversion service. My virtual assistant and I are offering to SBI website owners a specific service.
This page was written when I was really motivated and sat down for half an hour or an hour to type. My virtual assistant took care of cleaning it up and making the page more presentable than a rough draft.
On the other hand, recording my thoughts freely is in my opinion:
- very honest, transparent and authentic
- easy, fun and does not take a lot of time.
What’s your opinion? Is it easy reading thoughts directly from my head written down on paper, so to speak? Or is the quality of transcribed files so different from what is typed with a keyboard that is not enjoyable to read anymore at all?
Even then, I believe using as transcription files as a basis and then a virtual assistant who acts as an editor to clean up is much more efficient if your business strategy is to build content, for example, than sitting down and writing everything on your own.
This sort of outsourced content writing is still very authentic. It is all you. Or, in the case of you reading, it’s me (this post is a transcribed recording).
This content production is nothing low quality, copied together from the internet and it’s not another person’s voice. It’s literally your own voice you put to paper.
And that’s the big difference between outsourcing your content writing by simply handing off your writing to someone else, who then has just take care of it, instead of handing the technical part of:
- writing
- Typing;
- Typesetting;
- Illustrating;
- Inserting content into your content management system and so on.
It is simply more easy and fun!