Employer interviews who have hired virtual assistants and shared their experiences of outsourcing.
Reader Interactions
Creating A More Efficient Communication Through Virtual Assistant Feedback

Follow along to learn from our experience on working with VAs!
Click here to read part 3 of this interview – How to ask virtual assistant work revisions
- How to encourage and get virtual assistant feedback, thoughts and critics to help improve your online business?
- Overnight results seldom exist. Can a trial period break the barriers between you and your virtual assistant?
- Know the difference between expensive and affordable virtual assistants and what roles they play for your business’ success.
Start of the interview:

Let me give you an example and then I would like to go back to the original question of “how to”, in the beginning, make the communication more efficient.
My main virtual assistant from Pakistan, he always did a good job with his work. But, it took me a long time until I encouraged him enough so that he openly shared with me his thoughts and criticisms.
He’s a super smart guy and I value his input a lot. But, in the beginning, I felt it was kind of hard to get him to talk without holding back a lot. This is even true when he criticizes some of my ideas now.
So, I’m asking openly, if I’m having a stupid idea tell me. And if it is a stupid idea and he tells me, he does it in an extremely polite way, in my view.
I would be fine if he tells me. Because after all these years, I would really be fine if he tells me “Francis, that is stupid. Do something lax.” But that’s perhaps the German in me who was talking 🙂

Well, no, I’ve noticed the same thing because with my assistant, she was very apprehensive to really give me any of her input on anything. It was pretty much basically follow the instructions, do exactly what I said. But, that’s how we kind of build our relationship.
She’s a little bit more open in giving me ideas and suggestions on different pieces of software used to make things quicker and different things like that.
But, it took a little bit of time to be able to get to that point because I think that’s how any job or anything that we do in life goes.
I think that you’re going to be a little bit more apprehensive to tell your boss, you know, “Hey stupid, you shouldn’t be doing that or you should be doing this instead or whatever”. But I’ve noticed the same thing that you’re saying.

So, perhaps one has to assume that there is a trial period where the training takes place, the trust building takes place, the communication, payment and systems takes place; and only after that, we can really expect those sort of overnight results.
And, of course, each hour worked is each hour paid. So, this is an additional cost that is not very transparently advertised when someone talks about virtual assistants.
I never have had the experience with professional virtual assistants from the US. So, people who might charge $70 an hour have been really assistants who work as virtual secretaries for big CEO’s from big companies. That does exist.
I would assume that those people are so highly trained that you can expect this sort of overnight professionalism very soon in the start after only a few hours.
But, if in the opposite end you hire someone for $2 or $3 an hour, it wouldn’t be logical or useful or realistic that you have a professional virtual assistant quality after few hours. Because, then they would charge like a professional virtual assistant.

Right, right. I think in every job or in every role, I think there’s always that time where you have to take that time to be able to train them properly and give them the right tools and the knowledge to what we’re trying to do online.
How To Effectively Extract Virtual Assistant Concerns And Questions?

Follow along to learn from our experience on working with VAs!
- Ways to effectively channel your virtual assistant concerns and questions: through blog posts or comments.
- How to train your virtual assistant effectively to lighten your workload.
- How to handle and prepare virtual assistants properly from the business owners’ perspective.
Start of the Interview:

Is your site more geared toward the virtual assistant themselves or is it more geared towards the business owner or what is it about?

I will try to do both but I’d say that it’s more geared towards the business owners.

Okay, alright. Just making sure because it seems like that you kind of split between both the business owner and the virtual assistant themselves. And that’s great.
So, I just wasn’t sure if we were talking about it from the perspective of business owner or the assistant themselves trying to work for the person or not or whatever.

I think it’s important to have both sides. And it’s also important for both parties to look at both sides. So, I have a page, a special tier page, for a virtual assistant with tips for virtual assistants but it’s a sub-page within the page.
But, I do believe that many virtual assistants are visiting my site and are getting some background knowledge on how an employer thinks. So, when they go to their employer—they are prepared.
Ideally, after reading my page, they will make another employer a little bit happier. On the other side, it’s very important to know as an employer what are the simple or complicated fears and questions usually virtual assistant have.
If you don’t know that, then, you will find yourself losing time and money. So, that’s why I feel having sometimes the commentary of my assistant or a blog post written from his perspective is very useful.

Yeah, definitely it is. Because, as the employer, if you don’t know what the assistants are thinking or what’s going on at their end; it’s hard for us to kind of judge what are the questions that they might have or things that might come up in the future.
Maximize The Effectiveness Of Your Virtual Assistant Communication

Follow along to learn from our experience on working with VAs!
- Effective communication with your virtual assistant can help optimize and expand your business
- The communication barrier between virtual assistant and employer makes or breaks your business
- Learning the proper employer-to-virtual assistant communication habits gets your message across effectively
Start of the Interview:

One of the things that I was looking at was when you said how you effectively communicate with your assistant.
And, that was something at first I had a little bit of trouble with trying to find a good way to be able to get all of my ideas across to the assistant. And kind of get them on the same page as me and everything. I don’t know if I’m jumping the gun or whatever here but that was one of the things that I saw when I was trying to get optimal.

Yeah. This is something I really like to talk about as a subject because I think the communication between the assistant and employer makes or breaks your business.

Yeah. What I was thinking is that it wasn’t really a language barrier. Because, when I was going in, I thought that I was going to have a lot of issues communicating with someone from the Philippines.
And, I never really noticed that very much. Their English is really good. It was almost just as good as any native speaker that I’ve ever come in contact with.
So, I never really noticed any language barriers. But, as far as I am trying to get them to understand exactly what I was trying to have them do; that’s where some of the difficulties came in.
You know what I’m saying? I have to explain things 1, 2, 3 or 4 times so that they would actually know exactly what it was that I needed them to do.
And a lot of times, I’m just typing it on a Word document or PDF but it wasn’t sufficient enough to make them understand.
The first thing I’ve tried to do was to make screen capture videos and I would upload those to YouTube and try to have them watch those. But, the problem with that was, after sending them the videos and say, I’ve uploaded that at (4 o’clock) my time–it was in the middle of the night for them.
Then, I would let them watch it. And, if there are questions, then, they would have to send it to me and it would be in the middle of the night for me.
So, that would leave us an entire day where they weren’t able to work on it because they were asking questions. And, then, I would send them an answer.
And, if they had any other questions, it would really cause the process to take a long period of time, to really expand and it makes things take a whole lot longer.
The questions going back and forth in the different time zones and everything like that would really cause a lot of problems. You know what I’m saying?

Yes, I do. So, at first, this prerequisite on some of your business aspects are time sensitive.

Yeah, yeah.

Do you have some things like, for example, customer relationships? Like someone having a problem – a customer writing. And, then, you have to react fast because else the customer will get angry. Has something like that been an incident? So, that’s the case for you?

Well, it wasn’t necessarily something like a customer. But, it was just something that you can say you wanted a research done for something that I wanted to work on the next day.
I wanted them to do the research so that It could be ready when I woke up the next morning, something that I could start working on.
Well, I couldn’t start working on it because they were like, “Well, I had a question about this or how do I find the backlinks to that site? What programs should I use or how do I look it up in the software?” You know what I’m saying?
So, there were just these differences on technical things. After they understood what they were supposed to do, they could continue doing it without any problems, but the initial set up in getting them familiar with the process was the first struggle that I faced.

So, from my experience of working with my main long term assistant, it does take a while until it gets into this magical overnight mode.
So, if it’s improving perfectly, then you can give your task to your assistant. And, it’s an advantage that we have a different time zone. While you sleep, they work.
And, then you will get the result the next day fresh in the morning. So, that’s like the magical perfection.
Actually, one of my proposed ideas when I tried to come up with a domain name for my site was “Others Work, You Sleep”. I found this funny but it was too long. So, I stayed with Ideal-Helper. But, it’s truly something great when you reach it.
So, obviously, you want to reach that level. But, I do think you should not have the highest expectations at the beginning especially if you have a fresh employee and especially if you haven’t communicated back and forth a lot and there is not enough trust set up yet.
At the moment you haven’t had that frequent communication yet and there’s not the trust-work-relationship set up yet.

Right. And, especially if it’s a new task, if it’s something that they’ve never done before; it’s hard to – at first, you kind of expect them to be able to do everything. That this one virtual assistant can do everything and anything under the sun when really it’s better to hire different people to do different roles rather than having one person trying to do every single job and every single task for you.
How To Outsource Tasks With A Team Of Virtual Assistants?
Team of virtual assistants is part-15 of an interview with Eric, a fellow entrepreneur interested in outsourcing his work to virtual assistants all over the world.
Follow along to learn from our experience on working with VAs!
Click here to read part 14 of this interview – how to handle a newbie full-time virtual assistant
- Learn how to control a team of virtual assistants and your online business.
- Learn what are the pros and cons between a single virtual assistant and a team of virtual assistants.
- Learn how to organize and outsource tasks to a team of virtual assistants
Start of the Interview:

Although, I’m sort of slightly switching topic; I would like to test out something. Do you know how to share screen in Skype?


The plus button or…

Let’s see, I’ve done it before but I don’t really…

Ah, yeah. I have it. I’m sharing my screen now and please don’t get overwhelmed, I just want to show an idea I had.

What program is that you’re using?

That is Lucidchart.com. That’s online. It’s integrated with Google documents.

Okay, cool.

So, I had tried to do some flowchart. It’s simply overwhelming but, in principle, what this shows is we start with ideas and do certain steps then do the keyword research.
Do certain steps than writing starts with voice recordings, a transcription then it goes back in some sort of feedback loop.
We look at the result. We fine tune it, do some steps. And then when I’m happy with the interim results, I create a content page from that with my VA who does some more steps. I’ve implemented a few links from SBI tools or articles in to these steps.
And then I go back to:
- Optimizing stuff building the traffic from that page,
- Doing some supporting steps,
- Going to the Aweber email creation,
- Checking the steps,
- If the stats exceed a certain level then you monetize or you find if you can make an auto-responder or a Content 2.0 invitation,
- Freebies creation, so when you want to have submissions, you’d create some sort of free gift to download. Stuff like that.
- I tried to make some sort of a flow chart.
The idea of that is because we are talking about the team of assistants. This is much more than one person can do.

Right, yeah.

Especially, so I’m just stopping now; especially when you are having more than one site going through that to do that sort of process. But that’s sort of my dream final result.
I have a team of assistants and then I start with an idea saying it would be cool if we could talk about this but in high quality.
Then we start with the research finding good keywords. Then we are picking my brain. So, in other words, my assistant puts together a list of ideas and input from internet research and then I just give my comments about each of these topics. Very much like the list of ideas we have in Google documents.

Right. I think that’s great. Go ahead, I’m sorry.

Yeah. And then just it goes from there into the next steps of the business building process. And that’s how I would like to really speed start my content creation process with a team of virtual assistants. So, I have a sort of overall assistant but he could not do everything.
And now I would like to expand to have a writer on my team or an editor for fine tuning transcribed content, for example. And then, we go from there.

Right. And for example, like for me, I was thinking about how I’m willing to start getting into YouTube a whole lot more with my videos because I think that’s a lot for my audience is.
I thought, okay, I can get my general virtual assistant to be just doing basic stuff you were talking about and then hiring maybe somebody to be my video editor. So all I have to do was just drop the videos in the Dropbox, and they go ahead and edit the videos.
Send them back to me and then I could let my general VA upload them to YouTube for me. Put the different descriptions. Add the links and things like that.
Then, I even thought about doing a podcast and I could hire somebody to do the editing of the podcast. Because those are things that I can do but it takes hours and hours of my time to do this thing.
The thing is that somebody else is probably a whole lot better at it than I am anyways. And then have somebody send that back to my virtual assistant and let them upload it.
I’ve been doing a lot of the same things as I kind of trying to come up with some kind of process rather than just being, how do I want to say it, hiring for different roles and having to process.
So, that’s where they can actually do different things rather than just randomly expecting my one virtual assistant to do everything.
Because I think that’s one of the things that as beginners are hired, we think that we can desire one person that can do everything and that kind of gets in the way of expanding your business.

If you have a person who does everything and you rely on that person 100%; what happens if he goes away? Then all of it falls together. All your training is lost. All your internal knowledge goes away. And you have to start from scratch and perhaps even have to fear that your knowledge goes somewhere else.
So, it makes sense to have some big pictures only for yourself, some big dreams. And some tasks, some very specific tasks given to specialists. If they are full time specialists or project based specialists, it doesn’t matter. But, keep them separated from each other slightly.
So that everyone talks with your Hiring Manager. But the Hiring Manager himself in the end does nothing else than manage. He does not do the technical stuff perhaps.
Mastering The Art Of Having A Self-Motivated Virtual Assistant
Self-motivated virtual assistants is part-18 of the second interview from Stefan from Germany, who lives the Four Hour Work Week lifestyle in Thailand.
Click here to read part 17 – Virtual assistant improvement tips
- Every entrepreneur wants to reach the level of mastery with outsourcing and to have high skilled and motivated virtual assistants.
- There are certain steps that you can take to improve the performance of your self-motivated virtual assistant.
- You can also give your virtual assistant access to your financial account so that he can pay on behalf of you, but this is something very critical and you should build a lot of trust and take necessary measures before you decide to do that.
Start of the Interview:

So here we’re talking really about a level of mastery. That’s the level of Tim Ferriss or someone who has done working with his self-motivated virtual assistant for at least 1 or 2 years. This is really long term stuff here. Yeah?
If he’s working on himself and if he implements all the work without asking in a nice way and from time to time he gives his own ideas; you can give him more responsibility. You can let him research training materials on his own.
You can assign him time for a paid training. You say, “Okay, you work 20 hours per week for me. Three hours per week, you read your E-books. And if you’re finished, you tell me and you propose other E-books to read.” They’ll tell you “Okay, you can do this.”
Even further down the line, you can him a budget – a money budget for his own further training. One example I do at the moment where I give my assistant his own budget is
- he has his own Mechanical Turk account which I set up so that it works outside of the US as an employer.
- Then I have prepaid this with funding and he can use it to buy mechanical Turk work on his own terms as needed for my projects. I leave that money up to him. It’s something like $20 and it holds out for quite a while.
The other example is I have prepaid an account with Copyscape for premium search and he can use it as he needs it. What I don’t recommend is, of course, giving your virtual assistant access to your credit card information.
You mentioned an idea of how to pre-fund money for your assistant before?

I said that I will only give my main assistant- my number one off my bunch, of course- access to my money. I don’t know if you said that already.
You didn’t say it?

I didn’t say that but I do it like that also.

Yeah. Because he’s the most trustworthy so it is enough that the most trustworthy has access to money or whatsoever.
And if I give money out, I would only either create a new Paypal account or give because on Paypal when you have a business account; I don’t know you have a business account?

Not yet.

Because when you have a business account, you can have like sub-accounts and give people access to budgets.
For example, I have a thousand euros or dollars on my account and I can’t give. It’s like in Dropbox, you add people per email to your team, so to say.


So you give that person a budget of $100 and he can pay from your account. The money is on your account but he can pay via his account.

It’s very interesting. Is the business account for Paypal free?

Ah yeah, it’s free. It’s even cheaper than the basic account.

Okay, this is a big recommendation. I have to check it out.

I think, you save a little bit transfer fee, 1% or something. I think for private accounts, it’s 2.2% and for businesses, 1.7% or something. You save even a little bit of money. They were tiny amounts, in cents, but it has more functionality.
To create a business account, you need your business identification or your business data and you have to send that to Paypal.

Okay. So the requirement is that you have to have an established business with, probably, a tax number or something like that.


So this I haven’t set up yet. This year, I will have to set it up because the income from my website surpasses the tax-free income that you are allowed to have in Germany.
And so this year, it’s definitively on my to-do list. And when I have this, I will probably also set up a premium business Paypal account.

Yeah, exactly. So in this way, I know of other people who did it this way or even further. Some people even gave full access but only for only having money on that by the money that comes in, you know, be of sales…


So you can never lose money.


Your assistant has only access to the money that came in through sales but never what’s on your credit card.
So it’s a possibility.

A good application of the funding you give your virtual assistant is that you allow him to buy premium stuff like E-books that costs money or premium services.
Well, anything that costs money on the internet that you allow him with a certain budget as long as it solves your problem. It would be a good idea though that every purchase he has to justify somehow in his daily reports especially at the beginning.

Okay. If he pays a certain price.

Exactly. I remember reading something from Tim Ferriss – big outsourcing master – who said that his personal assistant who schedules his flights and organizes his calendar and stuff like that.
If she has to make a small purchase below $100 then she doesn’t even need to ask. Actually, I’m not sure if it was Tim Ferriss himself or one of the persons in his book he interviewed.

Well, it was about his forum where he had the food supplements and he had this problem with his customers that if they call customer support and complain about something.
Then his assistant would have instead of asking for every customer that complains. Thanks. For every customer that complains, instead of asking him, his assistant was allowed to just to settle the case. So he saves time.
It doesn’t save him money because he would pay the customer back anyway but at least he reduces his incoming emails by 80% or something.

Yeah. Because he makes more money with his free time than he would make up and back complains.

Yeah and he would pay back either ways so just fix the problem. That’s the idea. Just fix the problem. Well I think just a little back to the previous topic…


I think, maybe that idea comes from the book – from the 4-Hour Work Week. The idea to “This is the budget, fix the problem.”

Yeah but I think since outsourcing in the original E-book, “4-Hour Work Week”, is the last example after definition, elimination, automation and outsourcing. Outsourcing is the last part.
You are supposed only to do outsourcing if you have already defined what you want, set your goals. If you eliminate everything which is waste; if you automated all that is automation; then only then, you would take yourself out of the equation by outsourcing.
Many people who dream big don’t understand the whole philosophy of the book and only see the outsourcing. They see the daily job and say “Well, I hire an Indian guy for that.” This is probably a little bit naïve and is doomed to fail, if I can say so, one way or the other.
I think, outsourcing already is a very advanced topic. And although it’s very charming because everyone loves free time and free results, there are some requirements to be met before you can actually start with outsourcing.
In the scope of our interview, the hiring process has to be right, the trust problem has to be solved and the work ethics has to be defined at the beginning.
And that’s already when you are ready to do outsourcing. So we are really talking about some lessons that have to be learned. And that’s why we put them all into this interview so that other people have no problems to learn them.
If you learned all these lessons then you can have nice 4-hour work week lifestyle – live under the palms and not do anything while you receive money.

Hmm, very pretty.

Yeah. Everyone wants it. But if it was easy, everyone would have it. Since not everyone has it, it’s obviously not easy.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s that hard but we can do that later.

Yeah. Perhaps, we will have another interview, why it’s so easy to live under the palms like you do. Or, perhaps, it isn’t easy. We’ll see.

Didn’t we want to do that, anyway?

Ah yeah. We’ll go to the cost of living in Thailand in a second.
Hiring Guide: Qualities A Professional Administrative Assistant Must Have
Hiring a professional Administrative assistant is part-6 of an interview from Stefan from Germany, who lives the Four Hour Work Week lifestyle in Thailand.
Click here to read part 5 – How to write a job description for an ebook illustrator
- Look for a professional administrative assistant, who is willing to get himself trained.
- “I will find a way. Let me research that. I will find a way.” These are the words every employer wants to listen from a virtual assistant.
- Often virtual assistants from the Philippines are very sensitive and you have to treat them really well in order to work with them for a long time.
Start of the Interview:

Okay. So that is actually a very good plan. I cannot add anything to that. You find first how to do it perfectly for one picture including you making notes so that you can sort of make a manual of how the perfect solution can be.
And if you choose to, you can always find either more assistants to support your workload or have another professional administrative assistant if the existing assistant leaves you for some reason so that you have a backup solution.
So if you have perfect picture result, keep the process of where you went there – ready on paper.

Yes. Yes. Definitely, that would be. But right now as I’ve said, this is something that I didn’t have a lot of expertise in the editing process.
I know I have basic knowledge about Photoshop and editing but I have no detailed knowledge about that stuff. The whole design creativity, I like that and I don’t have that so I need somebody who has that.
And since I couldn’t do that, I was stuck on the layout, and on the picture problem and so I had to go that way with hiring a professional administrative assistant having this specific skill.

Yeah. It’s daunting to not just the wrong idea. By the way, can you tell me a little bit about your assistant? You do not need to share any personal information with me; although, I probably could research this within oDesk since you sent me the invitation.
Since it is your assistant, I would only like to know which country is he from and if you are comfortable with it which amount of money roughly are you investing in to him.

Okay. Right now, I hired him for $60. That is more than the $50. He applied to the job for $60.
That is actually a good thing because I liked that he applied for the amount of money that he wanted instead of the amount of money that I was willing to pay. I did like that.

So in other words, he didn’t try to undersell himself.

No. He knew how much he wants for this job. He had a rough idea how much he wants. So I think that was a fair price.


So he’s from the Philippines and he is studying Media Design.

Very good.

So he’s a student, obviously. He seems like a young guy and he didn’t know about the backdoor design.


Backdoor graphics. He took a whole day after we discussed that possibility to get familiar with backdoor graphics. To teach himself backdoor graphics which was a huge surprise for me that he…

Very good. That’s very good.

…was willing to put himself out there and learn what is necessary for the job. The other thing is that, what really surprised me and that was the point where I hired him was after like 2 or 3 days when we worked together.
He told me the magic words that I think, at least I as an employer would always want to hear the words from a professional administrative assistant;
“I will find a way. Let me research that. I will find a way.”
And that I never hear that from somebody so I thought that’s a good work ethic.

I think it is an excellent work ethic and I think you had a very good catch with him. Try to hold on to this person.
Try to see if he’s ready to take up more work in other areas of your expertise. Try to see if he’s willing to be taught by you.

Oh, definitely. Definitely.

And if you do that, try to see if you would be ready to propose him an hourly job. Assistants on oDesk love hourly jobs because hourly jobs have a payment guarantee.


If you have a fixed price job, you could say at any point in time, “Oh, you didn’t work well. I don’t give you any money.”


He might be able to protest. You might be banned from oDesk but you won’t see any penny.

Ah yeah. That is true. We talked about how we want to handle it and I proposed that we just do it like fixed price right now…


We’ll see how it works and we can later adjust the payment or something like that. Right now, the situation was like this.
We talked about this project yesterday and right now the idea is that he is redrawing the pictures by hand. Then scanning them and then edit, finalizing them in Photoshop.


He contacted me today that he tried it and it didn’t work out like he wanted it to be. And that he will propose a new solution to me tomorrow. Maybe, again, redrawing by hand a new picture something like that.
He will contact me tomorrow with one or two new solutions for the situation. And I told him that is no problem because for my side I have to do some work on the E-book still. So, we are in no rush.

Okay. My proposition, perhaps, he is not happy with his work. You have to know something about assistants from the Philippines. I have had a few and I’ve also read a lot of resources from experts that teach about hiring from the Philippines.
So, it might be stereotypical and it’s not always the case but often Philippines feel very insecure about themselves. That is why I was really surprised when you told me about your assistant. He was confident and proactive which is rare. A very rare and very precious quality…


Such a professional administrative assistant is like gold. If you have someone who’s intelligent, can speak English and is proactive; you have gold in your hands.

I had, in the past, outsourcers from the Philippines. I had a full time professional administrative assistant from the Philippines who helped me on a project that I wanted to try out that was…
Can I talk about it really fast because it’s about outsourcing into the Philippines?
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