Work Period: Feb 19, 2014
Hours Worked: 6:00
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Feb 19, 2014
Hours Worked: 6:00
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

- I went over the emails and responded to them accordingly. I still wasn’t able to log in to Hubstaff properly because of some slight problems so I decided to wait for Francis’ main virtual assistant to go online so I can ask help with it. (30 minutes)
- This is what I’ve experienced with Hubstaff:
- So I worked on the Preface again. At first, what I ended up writing was like a foreword so I had to change it yet again. I researched some more and checked out a few samples — which were a little hard to find because mostly those that showed up after my search were for fiction books. But those that I read served me well. Finished the second draft. (5 hours)
- I did the task mentioned above on and off all throughout the day so there was a time when I stopped to chat with Francis’ main VA. With his help, we fixed the problem with Hubstaff. It’s working fine now. (about 30 minutes or so)
- After I wrote the preface, I had to rest since it wore me out. I decided not to push it and work for the remaining two hours the next day.