Work Period: Sep 29, 2014
Hours Worked: 8:10 @$2.50/hour
Money Paid to Jomvie: $20.42*
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Sep 29, 2014
Hours Worked: 8:10 @$2.50/hour
Money Paid to Jomvie: $20.42*
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

Updating Infographic–SOTAM
- I am trying to finish my backlog especially this infographic about SOTAM, but the only problem is that the Piktochart’s website (the web which I create infographics) is not working again.
Ideal-Helper Comments
- I was looking for links to comment on but I found myself removing links that does not need my ideas.
Power Inverter: formulating questions
- I took the internet for some power inverters post. Since this is the first time that i’ve heard of it, I am clueless on what and how-to’s with this machine. But, one thing is for sure, it’s a lot better than generators.
- And since research is still not enough, taking insights from the one who experienced it first hand is the best option. But, there’s more than asking about power inverters~~tips!
- I just knew that Francis’ Main Virtual Assistant is facing the same problem as mine, which is power outage. Since, I was just recently working regularly online, I don’t know much about any backup plans and solutions (though I have a few in mind, but it does not work most of the time).
German and Filipino business ethics
- Taking some points for the article “Filipino Business Ethics” from my boss’ original post that talks about “German Business Ethics”
- In my opinion, work ethics solely depends to an individual’s attitude. But, let’s see what will be the quantity with this article 😀
Additional Note/s
- I am experiencing an intermittent connection, but will do my best to complete my shift.