Work Period: Jun 15, 2015
Hours Worked: 5:40 @$3.50/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $17.85*
(*Exclusive of $1.98 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Jun 15, 2015
Hours Worked: 5:40 @$3.50/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $17.85*
(*Exclusive of $1.98 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

Christmas Dare Project Update:
- I have started creating Christmas Dare cards according to your latest feedback.
- However, I am little confused after the email you sent me today regarding this task, and therefore put the project on hold until your next feedback.
Proofreading Project Update:
- Prepared the next batch of files for proofreading and sent to Hannah for proofreading.
Google Page Speed Clarification:
- In a high priority video where you were not clear that how I am determining the improvement percentages, actually you cannot see these improvements in the percentages within the Google Analytics interface. However, you can review them via Google’s pagespeed insights website.
Other Administrative Support:
- Watched some of the work update videos, made necessary changes, removed any unnecessary links and the published all reviewed work updates.