Work Period: July 18 & 19, 2013
Hours Worked: 10:00 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $20.00*
(*Exclusive of $2.22 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Easy
Work Period: July 18 & 19, 2013
Hours Worked: 10:00 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $20.00*
(*Exclusive of $2.22 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Easy

(A screenshot from today’s work diary)
- Converted Wedgies page into Blockbuilder 2. Please have a review.
- Also researched and added Facebook like button for this particular page.
- Since it was not possible to further wrap the Facebook social text, therefore I changed the button with a box count Facebook button. (‘Send’ button can also be removed)
- Since both videos of the page were not live anymore, therefore researched new videos and embedded into this page. Please have review.
Aweber Email Marketing Support:
- Created another Aweber split test between ‘0 seconds vs 10 seconds ‘the’ form
- Created aweber sign up form (500 pixels wide) and added to party games website via SiteWide dot.
Party Games Website update:
- Rotated more pages via Rss.
- Here are the newly published stories:
- The Drunken Mummy
- Drunken Karen is the Best
List Mailing Support:
- Sent more email messages via different list mailing services where available.
- About Email list building training material, the eBook is already set up.Please see Dropbox
- Sent email to Aizha on behalf of you, asking her feedback and opinion as you said in the voicemail
- Here is Aizha’s productivity report from 11th to 19th July
Total Credits Earned During the Period: 23467
Total Hours Worked: 11:40
Average Credits/Hour: 2006
Total Amount Billed: $12.99
Credits/$: 1806
Administrative Support:
- About another video in the high priority folder (18-07-2013 21-29-10), I am unable to listen your audio because of the high volume of background song. I haven’t deleted the video so that you can record it again.
- Brainstormed keywords for stefan interview page, tried many phrases but only found these two relevant:
Keyword Demand Supply Profitability
entrepreneur interview 129 48 2688
entrepreneur interviews 185 181 1022
- Transcribed and submitted a comment to a forum thread.
- Transcribed and submitted another comment to this post using Ideal-Helper twitter account.
- Also updated Google Spreadsheet for linkbuilding tasks.
Diary@Blogger Support:
- Uploaded following work updates to diary@ideal-helper