Work Period: Sep 22 & 23, 2013
Hours Worked: 10:20 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $20.67*
(*Exclusive of $2.27 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Easy
Work Period: Sep 22 & 23, 2013
Hours Worked: 10:20 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $20.67*
(*Exclusive of $2.27 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Easy

- About opening a worker account on Mechanical Turk, I have opened an account and currently my application is under review. According to Mechanical Turk admin, it will take upto 48 hours to get the decision.
- Update: After review, they have declined my application for some unknown reason. As per their email, they cannot disclose the reason to decline.
- I also searched Google for a quick solution, and found a quick solution but don’t know whether it works or not. (You could theoretically get a fake US social security number via http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/social-security-number.php)
Ideal-Helper Website Update:
- Built Suvidh Marwaha’ Tier 3 page. Here are some missing information:
- Page description is missing for this page.
- Return from Suvidh Marwaha to it’s T2 page link is missing.
- About Suvidh’s top image, I have removed the previous image and added a screenshot image from the video, hope this is acceptable.
- Analyze report is not okay, but still ignorable.
- About the weird width of the comments, I have tried to remove socialize it and other blocks and then rebuilt page with them, but It didn’t work.
Also removed and rebuilt the C2 form within a tier page to see whether it solves the problem or not, but all in vain.
Rebuilt a C2 invitation and comment settings but It also didn’t work out.
Also research SBI! forums for a possible solution but couldn’t get any helpful post.
- Submitted following pages to stumbleupon directory:
- Researched some posts in Virtualassistantforums.com and added to Linkbuilding_Google_Spreadsheet
Party Games Website Update:
- Here are recently published drinking stories:
- How not to tell your girlfriend you got a hickey playing truth or dare
- Last Man Standing
- Distributed more pages via RSS.
- Published a new HIT for 10 drinking stories via Mechanical Turk
- Merged newly submitted story (First Kiss and Wake up story) into First time kissing stories
- Also transcribed the comment and added it under the post. Please have a review.
- Also made all text adjustments to Joschka’s 2nd submission which I added into another as a list of dares. Please have a review.
- Received 2 more submissions from Lynn, but both were too adult. Therefore, moved it to Explicit-Adult Content folder
- Received another submission from same visitor, that was not so explicit. Therefore, published it (Couples Truth or Dare) and merged into this post. Did not distribute it via RSS.
- Thanks for providing more page information details for merged content 2.0 pages. I have merged and built more stories into one page