Work Period: Nov 28 & 29, 2013
Hours Worked: 9:50 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $19.67*
(*Exclusive of $2.16 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Nov 28 & 29, 2013
Hours Worked: 9:50 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $19.67*
(*Exclusive of $2.16 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

Here is the Full Time VA Project Update:
- I have started working on the Full Time VA project and have created subfolder “FULL TIME VA” within Dropbox.
- Saved all eBooks (in pdf format) in the folder “1 – Ebooks Reading”
- Also created another folder “2 – Niche Twittering” and saved all links from the TNT HQ there. Since its not possible to access SBI material without having an account (as you said that you will not share SBI! account with the new provider at start), so I have converted all links in to pdfs.
- Because the new provider will not be able to open internal links and SBI! forum posts, therefore I have also made pdfs for all internal SBI articles and forum posts and added a reference within pdfs.
- Also created a spreadsheet with the name of ‘SBI Vocabulary’ and added SBI specific terms and abbreviations.
Blogger Diary Update:
- Updated following work updates to Blogger:
Party Games Website Update:
- Here are recently published icebreaker games:
- Talk to Mr. Wizard
- The Speed Dating Game
- Published a new HIT of icebreaker games via Mechanical Turk.
- Distributed more pages via RSS.
Ideal-Helper Administrative Support:
- Illustrated the bloglet with an image and archived it for future.
- One of the recently published click test (blog page font split test) has been completed, you can see the results here.
- After getting a winner, I have created another split test between both winners. Please see results here.
- received email reply from shareasale team that they do not recognize any account associated with ideal-helper email.
- Sent more email messages via different listmailers.