Work Period: Dec 18 & 19, 2014
Hours Worked: 10:20 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $20.67*
(*Exclusive of $2.27 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Dec 18 & 19, 2014
Hours Worked: 10:20 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $20.67*
(*Exclusive of $2.27 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

Ideal-Helper Administrative Support:
- Uploaded all content and images to tier 3 page draft “Filipino Virtual Assistant”
- Also implemented multiple tier breadcrumb navigation on the bottom of the page
- Regarding a high priority video where you asked me how to change company title in Timedoct, here is the process:
- Go to » Settings » Company Settings
- and changed company details
TimeDoctor Offline Testing:
- Disabled my internet connection for 1 and half hour and tested offline time. The experiment ended with a success and Timedoctor updated the logged activity along with screenshots when I turned my internet connection on.
Note: As I turned my internet off, therefor I uploaded 1.5 hours as manual time on oDesk. During this time, I watched several videos that you have recorded and saved into Instructions for Jomvie folder.
Adsense Split Testing:
- One of the experiment has reached pass 3000 visits, so now we have a clear winner (Original Page).
- Since the experiment was over, therefore I created a new experiment based on the instructions you have given in another high priority video.
Other Administrative Support:
- Although I have enabled comments on Ideal-Helper, but comments form is still not visible under any of the posts. Perhaps it will take some time to get it updated.
- As you asked me in one of the videos, I have added an attention call-out box at the end of the thank you page for the new-sexy-dares AR.
- Create a clone page of “sexy-dares-1”
- Did not create an experiment for this page because I don’t know how to track thank you pages via Google experiments. Also both pages (original and clone) have the same signup form and therefore if someone signs up to it, how will we differentiate the source page?
- I have also tried to research this on SBI! forums but didn’t get any helpful post.