Work Period: May 20 & 21, 2014
Hours Worked: 10:10 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $20.33*
(*Exclusive of $2.24 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: May 20 & 21, 2014
Hours Worked: 10:10 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $20.33*
(*Exclusive of $2.24 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

- In the link building spreadsheet, you have asked to check and inform you if the owner of the blog replied to you comment. Please see this comment where the owner has replied, but I don’t think that his comment needs any further reply.
- Submitted a transcribed comment under the post: Using Skype with Virtual Assistants
- Submitted another transcribed comment under the blog post: PRIOR TO THE HIRE: VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS EDITION. The comment is under moderation at the moment.
- Researched more blog posts to comment on the Chris Ducker’s blog and saved within Link Building Spreadsheet.
Other Administrative Support:
- Submitted a transcribed bloglet, illustrated it with an image and other text formatting. Also archived it for future use.
- About another video where you asked my opinion about mostly visited pages (when you showed me two pages HTML Photo Slideshow Code & Mechanical Turk outside US) and asked me that should we build more similar ‘How to pages’. In my opinion that how to pages are always very popular and if our pages are really providing the solution, they will always rank higher in the search engines.
However, while building such pages we should determine the most wanted response beforehand. I think most of the visitors on these two mentioned pages are virtual assistants (my assumption is totally Based on Facebook and contact us comments) who are looking for work, not employers who are looking to hire someone or looking for some outsourcing insights. So in that case, if our most wanted response is set to get them signed up for oDesk let suppose, would not work out well. However, a good alternated for these pages can be Adsense. I think that we should keep building such pages, but we should focus more on employers related ‘How to’ pages.
- Created an account with Sitepoint forums, read their terms, conditions and forum rules. Also saved login details to All_logins.xlsx.
- Researched and expanded the Facebook comments block width for all Ideal-helper pages.
- Thanks for providing feedback for “HTML Borders” page, I have reworked the page based on the new keyword. The page is still saved as draft, please have a review of it and let me know if its okay to be published.
- Fixed the broken link which you sent me via LinkFixIt!.
- sent more email messages via different list mailing services.
- Distributed more pages on RSS feed.