Work Period: Aug 18 & 19, 2015
Hours Worked: 10:30 @$3.50/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $33.08*
(*Exclusive of $3.68 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Aug 18 & 19, 2015
Hours Worked: 10:30 @$3.50/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $33.08*
(*Exclusive of $3.68 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

Evernote Work Updates:
- Adsense in Google Analytics
I have worked on this note and updated it with the recent changes made by the Google. Google has removed the Adsense reporting and added another section “Publisher” and all information related to Adsense data is now placed there.
I have also added another tag “Pending for Validation”, so please review this note and validate if it’s finished.
- Experiment: move PPG site to WordPress to economize hosting.
I already have researched some WP hosting services in the past. Now I have researched some more services and comparison between different hosting services. Please review the attached document (Duly Copied to Instructionshigh priorityArchive)
SBI to WordPress Transfer:
- Thanks for letting me know about the hosting purchase, I have updated the specific Evernote about this.
- Also researched and put some articles related to this topic.
Moving Wedgie Dares Auto-responder to Aweber.
- I have started moving the Wedgie Dares AR to Aweber
- Created a new sign up form for this
- Turned the existing thank you page to a Tier page (Nofollow, Noindex).
- Also uploaded the first three parts of the auto-responder to Aweber.
- Thanks for explaining the different between the broadcast and follow-up messages. Aweber’s new interface, especially their email editor is slightly difficult to use. I am trying to apply a design template, but at the moment it’s not being implemented on the existing content.
Other Administrative Support:
- Watched the Skype call video in which you have reviewed the work updates and published all reviewed work updates after making appropriate changes.
- Since Alternate ads weren’t working well on the party games site, so I created new rotating banner ads and replaced with the old ones.
- Some of the experiments have been ended within the Adsense account, so I have chosen and implemented the winners.
- As you asked during the Skype call, I was about to move the EU Google policy cookie note at the bottom of the page, but as I interacts with the Zopim chat widget, so I didn’t make that change.