Work Period: May 22 & 23, 2014
Hours Worked: 11:00 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $22.00*
(*Exclusive of $2.42 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: May 22 & 23, 2014
Hours Worked: 11:00 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $22.00*
(*Exclusive of $2.42 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

- Watched instruction videos for Jomvie, reworked instructions for him and mailed him all instructions
- Also invited him via HUBSTAFF.
- Abi has submitted both interview transcripts, I have reviewed the short one (between you and Lukas) and uploaded to Jomvie’s folder, brainstormed a keyword for it and asked him to provide Meta information for this page.
- Jomvie has finished complete 8 hours work today and submitted his finished worked, I reviewed it a bit and provided him feedback about is work. Also copied you in that email so you would be already aware of that.
- Since he has worked on all current files, therefore created more tasks for him so that he has enough work on the coming days.
Other Administrative Support:
- About a high priority video where you advised me to break text into paragraphs, actually when I originally submitted the forum comment, I broken up the the text into several paragraphs, but somehow it didn’t published same as I submitted. I have also tried to edit it later on, but still changes aren’t being saved.
- Fixed the jump tag within the HTML-Broders page.
- Created a banner and placed it within the HTML Photos and Slideshow Code page.Asked Jomvie to provide 3 nice variations of text that we can use on this banner. Although he has provided some variations, but in my opinion all of them are a bit too lengthy.
- Watched the video about this page and created instructions for Jomvie to provide a short bullet point paragraph to link this page from its root page i.e. Start an Online Business, and to proofread this page. Please see DropboxJomvie_ProjectsRevised Files7. Various_Tasks.docx for more details.
- Listened to and watched all work updated feedback videos, made all necessary changes and published all pending work updates.
- Wrote a blog post on the full-time hiring process experiences, please have a review of Full-time VA Hiring Process.docx in the Future Blog Posts folder
- Watched other high priority videos and made all necessary changes.
- Sent more email messages via different list mailing accounts.
- Distributed more party game website pages on RSS feed.