Work Period: Mar 12 & 13, 2015
Hours Worked: 10:20 @$3.50/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $32.55*
(*Exclusive of $3.62 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Mar 12 & 13, 2015
Hours Worked: 10:20 @$3.50/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $32.55*
(*Exclusive of $3.62 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

About C2 Merge Stories:
- About a high priority video which you recorded in relevance to C2 merged stories, this file was finished by Jomvie some time ago, but I haven’t implemented it yet because it still requires your review. Please have a review of C2 Title and Description Francis review 2.xlsx and let me know if its okay to implement.
Google Analytics Experiments:
- Created Adsense Split test for the following pages:
- HTML Photo slideshow page on the Ideal-Helper site
- Craigslist Phone Verification page on the Ideal-Helper site
Outsourcing Service Research:
- Reference to a high priority audio where you asked me to research services similar to oDesk, I have researched some outsourcing services where you can hire virtual assistants less than $1.
- Unfortunately, the researched results are not very good. However here are some of the services where you can find and hire virtual assistants below $1.
- http://easyoutsource.com/
- bestjobs.ph
- https://www.247virtualassistant.com/plans.php?BUE
- http://www.vmgbpo.com/employers.php
- http://www.onlinejobs.ph/
- I think the best resource to hire a virtual assistant from onlinejobs.ph or hire someone from oDesk on a fixed price project.
Self Productivity Tracking Software:
- About a high priority audio where you asked me to research a time-tracking software for yourself, my suggestion would still be to use TimeDoctor for tracking your own time. Timedoctor also has a solo plan where you can it just for yourself. The solo plan will cost you only $5 per month.
Christmas Dares Project:
- Created Christmas Dare cards collage with the new card design and added into the Christmas Dares (LinkTBR) page
- Also replaced the third image with Card box pack.
- The page is about 90% finished. Just sales forms need to be added into the page.
- About a high priority audio where you have asked me to create rotating backup ads, unfortunately I couldn’t find the T&T article about how to create and rotate backup ads.
- Changed the How to Get Girls to Play Truth or Dare to one column layout similar to Christmas Truth or Dare Page.
PPG Site Update:
- Converted PPG homepage to BB2.
- Also as you asked that you have changed the focused page of Flea page to “Flea control in the home”, but the file-name of the said page is still ‘flea.html’
Other Administrative Support:
- There were a lot of pending audio files that were lying in the high priority folder, but most of them were obsolete. However, I have to listen them anyway. Most of them were about design changes and implementation.
- Found a video about the Registrant research task (2015-03-03_21-30-18.mp4) which is synchronized today on my Dropbox. It is a bit strange because I already have worked on this and the task is paused after your latest instructions. I think there is some problem in Dropbox and the video synced late.
- Checked both sites for “Submission thumbnails are displayed” but couldn’t find any invitation where submission thumbnails are deactivated.
- Compared and updated DUYP monetization folders from Main Dropbox folder and Jomvie’s shared folder, updated the Dropbox folder and then deleted the Jomvie’s folder.