Work Period: May 21, 2013
Hours Worked: 5:00 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $10.00*
(*Exclusive of $1.10 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Easy
Work Period: May 21, 2013
Hours Worked: 5:00 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $10.00*
(*Exclusive of $1.10 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Easy

(A screenshot from today’s work diary)
- I have converted your guest blog post ‘What Does It Take to Motivate You’ into a pdf. Also I have researched for creative commons copyrights notice. Please have a review of Dropbox where I have saved both word and pdf files.
- Also added the new creative commons copyright notice at the bottom. Please have a review and let me know if its okay, I will implement that to all previous pdfs as well.
- By the way here is the link where you can choose the appropriate cc license for your work.
- Fixed the heading of the ‘can I outsource my link building…’ and distributed via Rss.
- About craigslist task, I have submitted an ad to the newly provided account, a confirmation email has been sent to your personal email address, please click to the confirmation link and let me know if it works.
Party Games Website Update:
- Distributed more pages via Rss.
- Received a short C2 submission on DUYP, which I published as a comment.
- Did same for another short submission
- Another submission was too adult, therefore moved it to the explicit comments.docs and then deleted the actual submission.
- Also submitted a newly bought story after researching an image for it.
Transcription Related Tasks Update:
- Posted a transcribed bloglet
- Submitted a transcribed blog post. (My Virtual Assistant Gets a Diary So That You Can Follow Along His Every Move). Since it had less than 300 word therefore added ‘noindex’ ‘nofollow’
- Please proofread a transcribed bloglet Dropbox
Project List Mailing Update:
- Sent the newly given email message (support for cancer patient) to all list builder members (except mylistfrog because previous mail is still running). Also earned credits before sending out the email and recorded the time I have spent on each list mailer for earning credits.
- viralmailprofits is the most expensive listbuilder because I can only earn 480 credits in 18 minutes of time (average 27 credits/min) whereas the average for other list mailers is over 100 credits/min. I have also recorded these results in the listbuilding_tracking.xls.