Work Period: Jan 15 & 16, 2015
Hours Worked: 10:20 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $20.67*
(*Exclusive of $2.27 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Jan 15 & 16, 2015
Hours Worked: 10:20 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $20.67*
(*Exclusive of $2.27 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

Website Administrative Support:
- Changed the caption of the said image from National Holidays in the Philippines (Good to know for your Filipino VA)
- Watched some of the work update feedback videos, made all necessary changes and then published all reviewed work updates
- Created a lot of screenshots from TimeDoctor web interface and saved to Future Blog Posts folder
- Finished Reading BB2-Template-Instructions for the design changes. Although I have read it once, but the document is very important and we need to address this a lot when making actual changes.
- Please let me know when to start it because I think we might need to change the layout of the sites because as per my experiment, the mentioned method within the instructions did not work for our design. I am not starting it today because today is Friday and if I couldn’t complete this today, the website will look weird over the weekend, so most probably I will start this on Monday.
- Watched many more videos and listened to audio mails from the High priority folder. Most of them were related to Jomvie so I guess those are not applicable now.
- I have also started building lost C2 Pages
Adsense Split Testing:
- Thanks for providing feedback about my Adsense training course. Based on your provided feedback, I have created a new split test where I have used separate ad units for mobile and desktop devices.
- Removed nofollow noindex from C2 post party dares and merged into EW! Disgusting Truth or Dare Stories