Work Period: Jul 04, 2014
Hours Worked: 6:35 @$2.50/hour
Money Paid to Jomvie: $16.17*
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Jul 04, 2014
Hours Worked: 6:35 @$2.50/hour
Money Paid to Jomvie: $16.17*
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

From List Building eBook
- This is actually an interesting topic that talks about online marketing. Will wait for the main virtual assistant to have a chat about it =D
Ideal-Helper Proofreading
- Doing my regular daily task is my way of warming up my brain but often it does not work..Sometimes, my brain just freezes =)
Ideal-Helper Comments
- If proofreading won’t work its way up to my neurons? My best second option–writing comments.
Titles and Description
- Did I say keywords? It works both ways..it is mostly good but sometimes bad.. it can stir your brains out of your wits =) but I am thankful because i’ll just bother my brains to create and not look for it in a haystack.
Aweber Proofreading
- It has been in a long while now in my inbox =) just noticed this aweber that needs proofreading. I made it until half, will continue next time.
Make your content presell
- “How can I write like that?”–learning how to write the online writing way. Online writing consists of two things: informal or the friendly kind of writing and formal that is widely used with articles stuff. These are the things I’ve learned when I started my career with online stuff =) But, I still find myself a newbie that needs learning and practice.
DUYP (private)
- Say, private? This is a different kind of truth or dare.. Let’s just say it’s beyond your imagination =) and it’s beyond breaking the boredom. LOL