Work Period: Jul 15, 2014
Hours Worked: 8:00 @$2.50/hour
Money Paid to Jomvie: $20.00*
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Jul 15, 2014
Hours Worked: 8:00 @$2.50/hour
Money Paid to Jomvie: $20.00*
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

Outsourcing blog -part 2
- Wrote a blog post for outsourcing part 2 but it’s not yet done. My brain is not working at the moment and will continue in the morning 🙂
Customary Inbox Check
- Checked my inbox for feedbacks and updates on my task so that I will be able to know what shall I do next and what’s not.
Updating “Task Status”
- Updated status on each tasks for final validation. And I am looking forward for more “finished” task this week.
Ideal-Helper Proofread
- A dose of my daily and regular task a good way to warm-up my brains (^.^)/
Ideal-Helper Comments
- Posted comments on Ideal-Helper pages–it’s a joy to give out some tips and spontaneous advices.
Outsourcing Infographic
- Updated and waiting for feedback:
Make Your Content Presell
- Will it be possible to sell but you’re not really selling? I think that sounds complicated. But in marketing niche, you sell but don’t sound too sales’y. This is just one of MYCP’s tip if you want to make it into the IM world.
SOTAM feedback
- A quick and brief discussion on SOTAM nutshell. Hopefully I will be able to describe SOTAM at its best 🙂