Work Period: Sep 04 & 05, 2013
Hours Worked: 5:00 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $10.00*
(*Exclusive of $1.10 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Easy
Work Period: Sep 04 & 05, 2013
Hours Worked: 5:00 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $10.00*
(*Exclusive of $1.10 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Easy

(A screenshot from today’s work diary)
- Read the SBI! forum post for pagination and dividing long pages into subpages
- Divided Cost of living in Thailand into 3 pages, illustrated them with pictures where possible and implemented above SBI! forum post guidelines. Thanks for proofreading and publishing them, I have linked them back and forth and distributed via Rss.
- Transcribed and added text for cost of living in Thailand pages to Cost of living by state page. Linked all three parts to their respective anchor text.
List Mailing Project Update:
- About Aneel’s performance he is doing good so far, I have asked him about extra link building work and as expected he is happily willing to do it.
- Here is his list mailing performance for this month so far.
Party Games Website Update:
- Received a visitor-submitted Truth or Dare Story, but the story is too explicit. Although I have cleaned it up little bit, but still I am not sure whether I should publish this or not. I have saved a copy to Dropbox, Please have a read and let me know if it’s okay to publish.
- Distributed more pages via Rss.
- Here is recently published drinking story: Truth or Dare Nose-Tacos – A Mexican Tale of Shame
Administrative Support:
- Sent more messages via different list mailer accounts.
- Illustrated both newly submitted bloglets, please review them. Also archived both of them.