Work Period: Oct 20, 2015
Hours Worked: 5:50 @$3.50/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $18.38*
(*Exclusive of $2.04 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Oct 20, 2015
Hours Worked: 5:50 @$3.50/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $18.38*
(*Exclusive of $2.04 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

- As you’ve asked in one of the high priority videos to put the General feedback form on the top of the Header area, I have successfully put the form where you want that actually. Unfortunately, we cannot fill the form there. You can have a but you can write anything on the text field.
- In another high priority video, I was asked to provide my feedback on the question “Can I get the list of best & sincere Indian VA’s” originally submitted by a visitor on IH. I have provided my feedback within the Trello card for this task.
- As you’ve asked, I have prepared an email draft for a possible BB2 conversion. Please have a review of it and let me know if I should send this to the client.
- Watched all other videos from the high priority folder and made Trello tasks for each of those.
Content 2.0 Administrative Support:
- Received some C2 submissions on the party games site, here is my take on each of them:
- Published a story submitted by Susan – A Joke Turn Into a Naked Dare. Also linked other stories submitted by Susan into the story.
- Published another story submitted by Susan – Naked in hotel hallway – Part 2. Also created a Trello note for you to comment on this.
- Here is another wedgie dare submission that I published – Swing Wedgie
- A short comment submitted under the Little Evil Girls Getting in Trouble with Wedgies
- Posted and merged a short submission into Truth or Dare Ideas
- Posted 3 another short submission into the Funny Dares List – Read and Share Your Dare Ideas Here
- Please note that although I have published all these stories, but they still need proofreading so I have added them into the Hannah’s proofreading folder.