Work Period: Aug 27, 2014
Hours Worked: 8:10 @$2.50/hour
Money Paid to Jomvie: $20.42*
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Aug 27, 2014
Hours Worked: 8:10 @$2.50/hour
Money Paid to Jomvie: $20.42*
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

Updating post for Options during power shortage
- I still have to know the cost of generator’s fuel expenses and I think I really have to talk someone in the hardware store to get some information. Will jot down the expenses once I get the necessary information.
VA’s breakdown of monthly expenses post
- This post talks about an online provider versus regular employee’s benefits and expenses. So, if you’re to chose, which side you’re on? Working online or regular employee?
- This could be used as an original photo for this post: bills.jpg
Ideal-Helper Comments
- Writing comments today is pretty easy–probably my mind is refreshed. I just had my dinner 😀 oh, well, I just posted them on live page..
Mobile solutions
- I have a postpaid mobile plan and a limited hours of surfing the internet that costs $12 monthly. But, it’s only good for surfing and not for file transferring. If you want to see some other plans, I’ll try to get a copy from my provider.