Work Period: Mar 14 & 15, 2013
Hours Worked: 10:50 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $21.67*
(*Exclusive of $2.38 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Easy
Work Period: Mar 14 & 15, 2013
Hours Worked: 10:50 @$2.22/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $21.67*
(*Exclusive of $2.38 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Easy

- In some of the adsense color testing videos, I saw that there is a lot of confusion regarding what ads created by myself and how they are different from your ads. So I hope the above screenshots will help you to clear the confusion.
- To explain the confusion further, here are ad titles created by me.
- These are the ads originally created by you:
Administrative Support:
- Changed the size of the title of life hacks invitation form
- Unfortunately it’s not possible to change it via site designer, you have to do it manually for each invitation form by going to its particular Invitation and change the size of the font
- Submitted newly created tier page Personal Productivity Tips to stumbleupon directory.
Party Games Website Update:
- I was watching another work update video response where you were providing feedback for how to get girls… page, there you clicked its selling page twice. Although I have converted the selling page to BB2 and added a picture to it, but I can see that you are still browsing the old selling page. so please have a review of this selling page again and let me know if its correct.
- Inserted the how to get girls… ebook in the right column of the following pages.
- Truth or Dare Stories
- Naked Dare
- Distributed more DUYP pages via RSS