Work Period: Oct 08 & 09, 2015
Hours Worked: 10:20 @$3.50/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $32.55*
(*Exclusive of $3.62 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Work Period: Oct 08 & 09, 2015
Hours Worked: 10:20 @$3.50/hour
Money Paid to Me (Virtual Assistant): $32.55*
(*Exclusive of $3.62 charged by oDesk)
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium

- Based on your video feedback, I have edited and changed the list of dares page invitation form. List of Dares Invitation Changes
- In one of the work updates, you’ve asked me about the due date when you will pay for the domain purchase. Actually there is no need to pay for the domain name until Dec 31, 2016. Inmotion hosting comes with a free domain name or transfer for the first year. To view your upcoming payments, please go to Inmotionhosting AMP >>> Billing.
- Watched many videos from the high priority folder and created new tasks for them.
- Updated Budgeting spreadsheet with the Aweber YTD charges
- Removed and banned many spam comments on the party games site.
- Watched all work update feedback videos, made necessary changes and published all reviewed work updates.
- Removed SBI! banners from party game site’s alternate ads and made them to show only Christmas Truth or Dare Banners.